πŸ’Loyalty Program

(Please note: This feature is currently in development and will be launched soon. The information provided here is subject to change.)

At WhaleSync, we place the community at the core of our product. Recognizing the value of loyalty, we have developed a comprehensive Loyalty Program designed to gamify every interaction on the platform. This dual approach not only offers you the advantage of reduced fees for copy trading but also provides the opportunity to accumulate points for a future airdrop in anticipation of our token launch.

What is the Loyalty Program?

For each transaction processed by our copy trading bot, a standard fee of $5 is charged for trades below $500, and for trades exceeding $500, the fee structure shifts to 1% of the trade value plus an additional $2.

We offer discounted rates for users who actively engage with WhaleSync in several key ways:

  • Active traders with high trading volumes

  • Token ownership, following the completion of the airdrop and the official launch of the token

This fee reduction is applicable to any trades conducted through WhaleSync, rewarding our most engaged and supportive users.

How is my final fee percentage determined?

Your final fee percentage is calculated based on the total volume of your transactions and the accumulation of points through our gamification system. This adjusted fee rate will be applied to all of your trades, rewarding your active participation and support for WhaleSync.

Loyalty Program Tier System

Transaction Volume

RankConditionFee Reduction

Tier 1 : Clownfish

$5k Volume Traded

5% off

Tier 2 : Dolphin

$50k Volume Traded

10% off

Tier 3 : Shark

$100k Volume Traded

20% off

Tier 4 : Orca

$500k Volume Traded

40% off

Tier 4 : Whale

$1M Volume Traded

50% off

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